Boys Section (VI to XII)
Sandal College believes in retaining the best traditional approaches and values in the education of our pupils in order for them to become well rounded individuals.
Our broad based curriculum places a high priority on numeracy and literacy. Every child is given a chance to shine within small teaching groups. There is no streaming or setting in the early years as we feel that all our pupils should have identical opportunities, specialization is left as late as possible so that career decisions are not made at too early a stage.
The College comprises three blocks, The Junior Section (Play Group to V), Girls Section (VI to XII) has been housed in the newly constructed building whereas the Senior Section (Boys) VI to XII housed in the main building. Both the sections have been provided with well qualified staff headed by active, competent and experienced Headmistress and Vice Principal respectively.
- The College is an English Medium institution.
- Students can have the option either to be boarders or day scholars.
- Hostel facilities are available to the students of VI to XII (boys only).

Sandal College believes strongly in the value of homework which is set according to the needs and abilities of each child. The amount of homework increases as each child progresses through the school and we work closely with parents.
Pupils’ work is scrutinized on a daily basis. Full reports are sent to parents at the end of each term and report cards are after the tests. Quality work and efforts is rewarded and all ages throughout the school via merit, certificates and prizes. The SPS system ensured that every child is working to their maximum potential and also highlights any pupil whose work is giving cause for concern.
Regular open days are held that give opportunity to the parents to questions each teacher privately. Parents are free to contact the Principal or individual teachers at any time. The college can make special arrangements to meet the parent or guardians of boarders at any time.
The college has excellent facilities to allow pupils to develop their IT skills to limit. The college has invited heavily in computers, networking and Internet access. Sandal College has its own Website ( which encourages pupils to publish their own work on the Internet and communicate and collaborate with our progressive colleges around the world.
Even if you think our child has very little English ability you may be surprised to discover she or he has hidden talent. Special classes are arranged in the form of remedial classes. The learning and teaching of English language is an integral part of our curriculum. Realizing this, our faculty teaches all the four i.e. listening, reading and writing with special emphasis on speaking as well.