Boarding pupils reside in one hostel situated on the campus which is staffed by teachers form the College. The house is comfortable, well furnished and equipped with modern facilities.
Boarding at Sandal College provides more than hostel-style accommodation and activities: the boarders learn how to live, to work and to play in a community environment, sharing experiences with people of their own age who originate from many different areas. No boarding College can replace the home but the aim is to foster a lively, happy community which operates form a stable base where the feeling of belonging to a large family is important.

The House organized its own study period, social functions, excursion, and outdoor games etc. The House is under the charge of Housemaster who is assisted by an Assistant Housemaster. As far as possible the boarders are housed together with other boys of the same age group in designed for them. Given the varied requirements of the different age group the modern facilities within the house but inside it is found provision for study, a common room, a TV room and tuck-shop.

A choice of local food is provided and for those who like variety, a salad or packed fruit is available at lunch time. One of the alternatives is always a vegetarian meal. A catering supervisor appointed by the college ensures varying, balanced menus are provided. Boarder students have breakfast, lunch and dinner. On medical advice or on personal request special diet is supplied to individual children.

Mughrib Prayers at the School Mosque is compulsory for boarders. The School and Games time tables are so designed as to enable the boy to offer all other prayers. Friday Prayers are conducted in the School Mosque and religious functions are observed appropriately.

The College calendar specifies the dates on which the parents are allowed to see their children used to call up the student. If necessary the students are allowed by the Housemaster to call their parents using the same telephone. Parents are required not to call during prep and games hours as boys will not be allowed to take them.
The College follows closely the Govt. schedule for holidays. Parents/Guardians are welcome to visit their sons/wards on scheduled Sunday. They may visit and take their sons out in case of genuine need. It must be noted that in the interest of security, only family member will be allowed to visit or take out any pupil.
Visits other than the fixed days are not allowed, except in case of genuine emergency. However, parents showing concern about the welfare or progress of their son/wards are directed to contact the Principal.
The College will adopt possible measures for the safeguard of the students during their stay at the College campus. However, the institution will not be held responsible for any kind of accident/mishap causing any kind of physical harm or injury to anyone.
For ensuring quick and round the clock medical care, a full time dispensary is headed by an M.B.B.S. Doctor assisted by a qualified medical assistant. First-aid and routine treatment is met out at the College level.
Serious cases are referred to Medical specialists with the consent of the Parents.
The students are expected to display excellent behavior and discipline. The students committing any of the following offence will be expelled from the college hostel and college (if required) with or without warning.
- The student are NOT PERMITTED to keep the following in their possessions:
- Any kind of electric appliances like Transistors, Personal Computer, Mobile Phone, and Walkman etc.
- Unauthorized medicine / drugs.
- Weapons of any kind.
- Cigarettes and Narcotics in any form.
- Matches, burners, heaters etc.
- Undesirable printed material.
- Explosive / combustive material.
- The pocket money will be deposited with the Housemaster.
- Cheating, lying, gambling and immoral conduct.
- Willful and deliberate damage to the College property.
- Leaving college premises without permission.
- Rude behavior of the students / parents towards the staff and students.
- Absenting themselves from the class or any other College activity without a genuine cause.
- For being habitually unpunctual, untidy and slovenly.
- College Uniform (Half sleeves for Summer, Full for winter) 3
- College Track suit 1
- PT Kit 1
- White Shalwar Qameez KT 4
- Sleeping Suit (White) 1
- Socks Black 6
- Vest Cotton Sandow White 6
- Underwear (White) 3
- Towel 2
- Cap White for prayers (China Made) 1
- Single Bed Sheet for Summer (White) 1
- Blanket for Winter 1
- Hanger for Uniform 4
- Tin Trunk + Lock 1
- Joggar White 1
- Shoes Oxford Toe 1
- Football shoe 1
- Shoe Polish + Shoe Brush Black 1
- Peshawari Chappal 1
- Softi 1
- Tooth Brush 1
- Nail Brush 1
- Nail Cutter 1
- Soap Cake + Soap Box 1
- Shampoo 1
- Shaving Kit (if required) 1
- Toiletry use items